Friday, 7 February 2025

Episode 76 - Dave and Steve Take a Second Chance

OK, that title is better.

Burying the lede here, DIONNE WARWICK!


I will stop using so many capitals shortly.

We get a Star Trek connection with Malachi Thorne.

Nobody cuts a demo.

Nobody lays down tracks.

(Thanks to my co host Dan on We Have the Technology, also my brother).

The payoff in the final seen is gold.

Some political stuff this week as well.

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Friday, 31 January 2025

Episode 75 - Steve and Dave Watch Rockford Go Woke! (Or, Maybe It Always Was You Morons?)

Sorry, couldn't help it.

Also, if you've been listening, you realize that James Garner was pretty 'woke'.

Jim Rockford is not much into MAGA.

Jim Rockford supports gun control.

Jim Rockford can outdrive a right wing shitbag better than anyone.

Be like Jim Rockford.

Even Lt. Diehl isn't much on MAGA.

When you lose Lt. Diehl you are nuts.

Many of these characters likely would have listened to Joe Rogan...

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Friday, 24 January 2025

Episode 74 - Trouble with Dave and Steve in Chapter 17

This one might go down as my poorest title effort yet.

This one is super political, and pretty much in line with Steve and me, so we like it.

They're making fun of Marabel Morgan quite directly here, and I love it.

T'Pring is in this one!

We get some good ol' Rocky too.  He says some rather sexist things and I think Jim almost pulled a muscle he rolled his eyes back so far...

How dare women want to be equal?

Today we would call our main character a 'trad wife' I suppose.  No matter what you call her, I call her disgusting.

I feel bad for Bud, he's basically an accessory.

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Friday, 17 January 2025

Episode 73 - Dave and Steve's Last Case

No no, this isn't our final episode.  Indeed, it is the first episode of season 4!

I could not pass up the title though.

Hey it's James Whitmore Jr!  Our friend from the other show.

Beamer is a bad driver.

Beamer is a bad detective.

Beamer is even a bad friend.

He might not be that bad a guy, though he might also be a bit, oh let's go with 'off'.

Kenny's answering the phone in the bar and his subsequent improv work when Rocky hangs up is actually pretty reminiscent of Jim.

It's not the last we will see of Freddie!

Pay phones are basically wifi hotspots but the 1970s version.

Rocky after dark.

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Friday, 20 December 2024

Episode 72 - Season 3 Wrap Up

It's a wrap up show!

Whenever we do these, Steve and I like to have a guest on.  

This time is no exception, Dan Brodbeck of 'We Have the Technology' (and, well, of my family I suppose) is with us this time around.

What did we talk about?  Look, I have no idea, I'm writing this the morning before we record.

I suppose we will talk about how the show touched on real events of the 1970s.

I suppose we will talk about how the Montreal Canadiens were unbeatable at the time.

I suppose I will mention Mad Men, Steve will mention Columbo and Dan will mention guitars probably.

Thanks for coming on Dan!

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Friday, 13 December 2024

Episode 71 - Steve Shines a Black Light on Dave

Pretty sure I just glow in the dark.  

This one is the season finale for season three, and it is really good.

Directed by Stuart Margolin.

'Rockford, that's R O C K F O R D'.

We've got Beth, Dennis, Rocky, hey, grand slam!

All Jimbo had to do was call McGarret.

Shout out to the Taylor Swift fans in this one...

The unnamed speaker as a character is a cool trope that you don't see much of any more.

Rocky met someone on the plane.

The Martin Cove Goons have a new album coming out soon!

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Friday, 6 December 2024

Episode 70 - Dave Cracks Steve's Back

I would like to go on record as saying you shouldn't go around cracking anyone's back.

LA running backs, hard to trust them.

Gretchen Corbett is really really great in this one.

Too bad there's no Angel.

We do get Rocky and Jim and Beth and Dennis though.

We get Jon giving us a plane crash update.  Probably his dream job.

The idea of harassment was a new one at the time, it's handled pretty well considering that.

'They've got a good ball club at San Quentin' and 'I don't just fish, I also watch football' are a couple of good Jimbo lines this week.

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Episode 76 - Dave and Steve Take a Second Chance

OK, that title is better. Burying the lede here, DIONNE WARWICK! Also GANDY IS BACK. I will stop using so many capitals shortly. We get a St...