Friday, 26 July 2024

Episode 57 - Dave and Steve Weren't Even Born in 63

I went in a bit of a different direction for today's title.

Last episode was super intense, and serious.  This one, well, it's got Angel running a scam.  A perfect palette cleanser after 'So Help Me God'.

This episode has a rather complicated plot.  It works, but it is complicated. 

Wait, it's an Angel episode!

It's got Angel getting married!

It's got Beth!



Goons, but not hired goons, this time it's related goons.

OK, fine it's a good one.  It's not serious so much, but pretty great.

I don't think those outside LA get the pervasiveness of the Armenian diaspora in LA.

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Tuesday, 23 July 2024

BONUS EPISODE - We Have the Technology - Episode 0

No this isn't about Jim, Rocky, Beth or Angel.

It's not even about Chapman or Diel.

I did talk about Rockford in the podcast though!

This is from a new podcast I'm doing with my brother Dan!  It's called 'We Have the Technology' and it's about the classic 70s show the Six Million Dollar Man.

Every month or so Dan and I will talk about a couple of episodes. You know, like with Steve, except Dan isn't Steve as much as he's Dan Brodbeck, recordist.

We talked toys.

We talked bad effects.

We talked Farrah Fawcett.

We wondered who would want an Oscar Goldman doll.

Generally we just had fun.  

Oh, yeah, a link to the site (still under construction, I haven't even bought the domain yet) might be nice....

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Thursday, 18 July 2024

Episode 56 - So Help Steve and Dave

I've been waiting for this one.  It might be the best episode of the series.  I'm pretty sure it is the best one we have watched so far.

William Daniels just plays pretentious jerk so well.

This one is overtly political.  Oh and that's a good thing.

This one is so important that I clipped in a couple of Jimbo's speeches.

We have Dennis.

We have Angel.

We have Rocky.

We have Beth.

This also talks about a really important issue in the US, the use, and misue, of grand juries.  Other liberal democracies got rid of them, ages ago.

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Friday, 5 July 2024

Episode 55 - Dave and Steve Go to Coulter City to See a Wildcat

Man did I have to reach for that title!

Nice callback to Gearjammers.



Spotlight on Russ Mayberry this week.

Boy, Rocky getting roughed up was, at least for me, really tough to watch. Perhaps it's because I am getting closer to being an old man than a young one, I dunno.

How many episodes overall are about oil?  It's lots.  I wonder if the energy crisis of the early 70s made an impact here.

I've noticed more gunfights this season.

Pete's champagne, it's just Sprite and Blue Nun.

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Episode 72 - Season 3 Wrap Up

It's a wrap up show! Whenever we do these, Steve and I like to have a guest on.   This time is no exception, Dan Brodbeck of 'We Hav...