Friday, 1 September 2023

Episode 25 - Steve and Dave Know That Roundabout is a Song By Yes


Weak title.

Now, a roundabout reminds me of a carousel, or a wheel.  But it's not a wheel, it's a time machine....  Sorry, blacked out there for a bit.


Hey, it's the season 1 finale!

We'll do a season 1 wrap up in a couple of weeks.

I'll take Jim Rockford in a VW Beetle over goons, hired goons in a mid 70s behemoth every day of the week.

In the news this week, the North Vietnamese have started a major offensive in the central highlands, I think it might be a bit of a big deal.

Some really great 70s guest stars this week as well.

You know that's Wayne Newton's ranch in this one!

mp3 download

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